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Archive for the ‘Culture’ Category

North Korea (and III)

This is the third and last post for the trip to North Korea. You can read the previous first post and second post to have a more complete overview. “Great Leader” Kim Il Sung, “Dear Leader” Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Suk One of the more particular aspects of a visit to DPRK is […]

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North Korea (II)

If you have not read the first part of this post I recommend to read it before proceeding with this one. Arirang If you’ve looked up for North Korea outside of the the traditional news it is very likely that you saw some images of Arirang. Arirang is a gymnastic performance where more than 100000 […]

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North Korea (I)

As Anna already mentioned at her last post I was not going to visit her in India. The secret holiday destination this year was North Korea (or Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, DPRK) and as you are reading this it means that everything was alright :) As it is an unusual destination (as you can […]

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Taipei Metro Street Dancing Competition

In general oriental people prefer to do things in groups rather than alone. Life: west vs. east So, while using the MRT system in Taipei it is usual to see groups of kids and teenagers dancing together in the huge corridors and underground malls. Although they mostly dance just for fun and as a social […]

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Can you repeat please?

Spanish people are know for their “special” pronunciation of the English language. That includes using Spanish sounds for English people, music groups, cities, etc…. in a way that is impossible to understand for anyone who doesn’t speak Spanish (or Catalan). It won’t come as a surprise that Chinese people do exactly the same… use Chinese […]

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Cabs with a black box

Although Taiwan is an extremely safe country (specially when compared to some areas of Barcelona), they have an obsession with security (fences, blocked windows, etc.) and security cameras in particular (EVERYWHERE). The latest addition to the mix is the so called “black box” camera or DVR for cars. It all started with the taxis and […]

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Marina Bay Sands @ Singapore

This year I am travelling less for work but few weeks ago I was sent to Broadcast Asia in Singapore. In a previous post I already explained my views about Singapore (I do not like it too much) and, don’t worry, I am not going to bore you with my work stuff :) Singapore is […]

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Sure that at some point you have heard or you have used the expression “to work as a Chinese”. So that is how it is, Chinese spend many hours working and in some cases they are even devoted to the company as it was part of the family. We are talking in this case about […]

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Tour Taiwan 100

Taking some additional days off around the Tomb Sweeping Day in Taiwan (similar to All Saints day for Christians) we decided to team up with Yupei (Taiwanese) and Steve (Québécois) to tour around Taiwan island in a week. We were starting to be ashamed of not having visited yet a number of places in Taiwan […]

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Weekend at the islands

Taking advantage of a 3-day weekend, we escaped to a semi-local tourist destination: Penghu. Penghu is a group of ~90 islands (and small islands) less than one hour away from Taipei. It is like going to Menorca (Balear Islands) from Barcelona. With less than 100.000 inhabitants in total, the offer for western food is almost […]

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