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Can you repeat please?

Spanish people are know for their “special” pronunciation of the English language. That includes using Spanish sounds for English people, music groups, cities, etc…. in a way that is impossible to understand for anyone who doesn’t speak Spanish (or Catalan).

It won’t come as a surprise that Chinese people do exactly the same… use Chinese sounds to simulate English names. It is not easy to understand what they are trying to talk about… not at all!

With the kind help of Lei Shiah (ADB colleague) I’ve prepared a set of audio files where you can try to guess what’s being said in “English”. There is a range from really simple ones to really complicated ones.

Press Play to listen to the audio. Click on the link below (with some hint text) to unfold the answer for each audio. Good luck!

Countries and cities

A country and a city

Two countries in American continent

Politicians around the world

[audio:|titles=???]Easy easy (for Spaniards at least)

Still in Europe, well known couple

Little bit more north

Not as easy as it sounds

Easy one. Very well known ex-

Actors and actresses

Easy. American

Spanish actress at Hollywood

Love or hate him. American

Complicated. Family name after a car brand name

From Hong Kong

How was it? :)


    És una xinesa de veritat? Sembla un programa d’aquests de pronunciació automàtica a partir d’un text v1.0

  • Jeje, buenísimo el comentario del Pani, tienes toda la razón.

    Lo de Penélope Cruz es para mear y no echar gota, joder vaya telita :P

  • @Pani És de veritat però ho va llegir lent per fer-ho fàcil. @Jorge … mira que no escribir una de las soluciones :)

  • This is supposed to be as common as 1 2 3, but I can’t help but laugh when I hear them for some reasons. I know it gets even more complicated when you get variations in translation of the same person.

    a well-noted point, thanks Albert.

  • Molt entretingut! Sort de les solucions. Es veu a venir que els xinesos imposaran la seva llengua als americans.