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Municipal elections 2010

Probably you have seen more than once videos of people fighting (boxing/karate) at some parliament. Quite often these images are from Taiwanese or South Korea parliament. Here below you have a brawl at the Taiwanese parliament on July 2010 while discussing about the EFCA agreement.

Next November 27th there will be municipal elections to five major cities and counties. (right the day before the elections for the Parlament de Catalunya)

Becoming major in Taipei is very important, as traditionally the major will be the future president of Taiwan (that has actually happened for that last two times)

We already explained at the ECFA article that in Taiwan there are two big political parties: the blues (KMT, in favor of open talks and agreements with mainland China) and the greens (DPP, pro Taiwan as an independent country). Here you have a short article at AsiaRed (Spanish only) that explains the current situation.. To be honest Taiwan is doing much better than Spain “…unemployment under control (5%) and expected growth of around 9% for 2010…”

All the elections at Taiwan are always very close, you can check the summary of the polls before the elections. In this recent China Times article they mention that the current situation is 43% for the current major Hau Lung-bin (KMT/Blue) and 42% pel Su Tseng-chang (DPP/Green) but this 1% difference is lower than the calculated potential error in this type of polls.

We can not vote but we have been observing the campaign (it lasts for 3 months!) looking at the posters on the street, the webs, the leaflets, etc. Observations:

  • The candidates are identified with a number. They get this number in a kind of lottery (it is not related to their positions in the lists). Nobody wants the number 4 (bad luck number for Chinese culture). The numbers are given in the middle of the campaign so they need to add it to the posters and leaftets…
  • They are able to make fun of themselves. You see candidates dressed like Superman or Spiderman for example.
  • They like to pose in the pictures in two or three different poses, most of them very fake and not natural at all.
  • To hug kids and take pictures with them also works here (probably universal for all politicians)

Here you have a collection of images of the campaign from the various candidates and cities (our own pictures and also from here)

02-Oct-2010 17:14, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.0, 28.0mm, 0.01 sec, ISO 400

02-Oct-2010 17:14, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.0, 34.0mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 560

02-Oct-2010 17:15, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.0, 34.0mm, 0.013 sec, ISO 400

02-Oct-2010 17:15, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.0, 35.0mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 640

05-Nov-2010 20:44, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 4.5, 29.0mm, 0.033 sec, ISO 1000

06-Nov-2010 12:13, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.0, 38.0mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 500

06-Nov-2010 12:34, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.6, 24.0mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 220

06-Nov-2010 21:56, HTC HTC Hero, ISO 100


08-Nov-2010 14:15, HTC HTC Hero, ISO 100

08-Nov-2010 14:21, HTC HTC Hero, ISO 100

09-Nov-2010 19:21, HTC HTC Hero, ISO 100

11-Nov-2010 13:46, HTC HTC Hero, ISO 100

13-Nov-2010 16:36, HTC HTC Hero, ISO 100

13-Nov-2010 16:56, HTC HTC Hero, ISO 100

16-Jun-2010 12:01, Canon Canon EOS Kiss Digit, 5.6, 179.0mm, 0.002 sec, ISO 400

18-Jul-2010 09:46, Canon Canon EOS Kiss Digit, 5.6, 45.0mm, 0.003 sec, ISO 100


18-Jul-2010 09:52, Canon Canon EOS Kiss Digit, 5.6, 85.0mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 100

24-Jul-2010 10:06, Canon Canon EOS Kiss Digit, 7.1, 79.0mm, 0.001 sec, ISO 200


To complete the experience we decided to visit a rally from KMT (blue party) at Taipei on Sunday 21st of November. The slogan “Taipei take-off” (of fly high). Take a look at the last pictures as there were some funny characters around.

Tot apunt

Tot apunt21-Nov-2010 16:44, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.0, 18.0mm, 0.01 sec, ISO 400

21-Nov-2010 15:30, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 6.3, 22.0mm, 0.006 sec, ISO 200

Globus del partit

Globus del partit21-Nov-2010 16:46, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.0, 18.0mm, 0.01 sec, ISO 400

21-Nov-2010 15:07, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.6, 22.0mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 360

21-Nov-2010 15:09, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.6, 24.0mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 220

21-Nov-2010 15:05, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 6.3, 30.0mm, 0.006 sec, ISO 200

La gent comença a arribar

La gent comença a arribar21-Nov-2010 15:04, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 8.0, 52.0mm, 0.004 sec, ISO 200

21-Nov-2010 15:12, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 7.1, 18.0mm, 0.005 sec, ISO 200

El candidat blau a l'alcadia de Taipei

El candidat blau a l'alcadia de Taipei21-Nov-2010 15:14, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 7.1, 20.0mm, 0.005 sec, ISO 200

21-Nov-2010 15:19, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 7.1, 24.0mm, 0.005 sec, ISO 200

21-Nov-2010 15:24, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.6, 50.0mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 320

21-Nov-2010 15:45, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.3, 46.0mm, 0.013 sec, ISO 400

21-Nov-2010 15:29, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 6.3, 28.0mm, 0.006 sec, ISO 200

21-Nov-2010 15:21, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.6, 26.0mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 220

21-Nov-2010 15:26, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 6.3, 20.0mm, 0.006 sec, ISO 200

21-Nov-2010 15:14, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.6, 52.0mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 200

Zoom de la foto anterior

Zoom de la foto anterior21-Nov-2010 15:14, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 5.6, 52.0mm, 0.008 sec, ISO 200

Noia que fa el llenguatge de signes per a la gent sorda

Noia que fa el llenguatge de signes per a la gent sorda21-Nov-2010 16:08, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D5000, 4.8, 32.0mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 560


What a party!

The parties have also embraced internet and the new technologies opportunities. According to this article the green party does a lot better than the blue one on this front.

Candidate Su (green): web, Facebook, YouTube Channel

Candidate Hau (Blue, current Taipei major): web, Facebook, YouTube Channel

You can check the special page setup by Google to follow the 2010 Taiwan elections if you want to find all the links and information about every candidate.

Updated 28/11/2010

After some last minute incidents on Friday (a son of ex-Taiwanese vice-president shot during an election rally and over 100 people were arrested on charges of vote buying), the elections took place on Saturday that basically certified the status quo on the largest cities. The KMT kept its hold on Taipei City, Sinbei City and Greater Taichung, while Greater Tainan and Greater Kaohsiung will stay in DPP control.

However, the total vote-count was in the DPP’s favor… just by a little bit



    I jo em queixo de les eleccions americanes…

  • Actualitzat amb els resultats del dissabte