8 months at Taiwan, small improvements on the blog and few links
So today is 8 months since I arrived at Taiwan! Time flies!
As our particular celebration, the publication of this post with few items
Blog improvements
- Random picture
- Photos page
Next to the flags on the top right corner you can see the link to blog RSS feed. Now you can subscribe easily and be informed when a new post is published. (that was actually working before, but we did not mention it…)
On the right side menu there is a new item. Random photo. Every time you visit a page a new photo will show up. If you like it click on it to zoom it.
Last but not least, a special “Photos” page that includes links to all Picasa albums related to this blog.
We entered the thypoons season few weeks ago. So far we’ve been lucky and Taiwan has not been affected by any typhoon during July. This is quite unsual as reported by local newspapers
It is just about one year ago that Morakot typhoon hit the south of Taiwan leaving more than 700 people dead. A number of memorial services were held during the past weekend
The best way to be informed about typhoons is to keep an eye to Central Weather Bureau typhoons page
Taipei at Monocle magazine
On a recent visit to Eslite bookstore we found that Monocle magazine last issue was focused on the best cities around the world (Barcelona is #17). Taipei did not make to the Top 25 list but it was mentioned in a special article about underestimated and largely unknown cities
You can read the article in .pdf format by clicking the image below
lo de la foto es guay!! per cert, com em put fer member de la vostra web i tenir una foto personalitzada¿?
il pelao
El tema de les fotos està lligat amb el http://en.gravatar.com/ … que funciona per tot internet (no només al nostre blog! :)). És com una mena d’imatge lligada a l’adreça de correu electronic.
Hola! Con lo del RSS consigo estar más al día de vuestras andanzas ;) y cuidado con los tifones!!! Aunque me cambiaría por ti ahora mismito, 10 días para regresar a Madrid y sin demasiadas ganas… :( un besote